
Posts Tagged ‘books’

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Galdwell

I know I’m pretty much the last person on earth to read Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, but I just finished it on Saturday—and I loved it.

I’m sure the reasons I liked it are similar to why others like it: It illustrates the extraordinary things that can happen in ordinary circumstances. The stories it recounts show great success based on the little things. And Gladwell is an excellent storyteller.

It’s inspirational and motivational, expecially to someone like me who is trying to figure out the ways of the sales and word-of-mouth worlds.

But somehow I can’t help but feel that it falls just short of being highly important. And maybe it’s not meant to be—maybe it has been the success of the book that has elevated it to something more significant socially than it was intended.

Either way it’s a great tip to the iceburg. And anyone who really engages with the subject matter will be driven to find out more. And I have to say I love Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues even more now. Now I’m really looking forward to Blink and especially to Outliers. More Malcolm, here I come!

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